From capacity toward strengthening evaluation capabilities: anchoring evaluation into modern public management.

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About the Event

Following the UN General Assembly Resolution on strengthening country-led evaluations, this panel aims to explore the integration of evaluation capabilities within broader public sector reforms as a possible entry point for building a national evaluation system (NES). While much emphasis has been devoted to evaluation capacity (the skills, assets, and institutional arrangements at individual, organizational, and contextual levels), evaluation capabilities (the ability and aptitudes to put these assets in motion) have received little attention.
We will delve into the drivers of the ability of organizations and individuals inside these organizations to put in motion the evaluation activities for a vibrant, integrated national evaluation system of strategic alignment, capacity building, cross-sector collaboration, and other key linkages that strengthen government evaluation capabilities. The panel will provide insights into how these linkages can be effectively implemented in diverse contexts and environments. Key drivers of enhancing government capabilities include, but is not limited to: Political will to learn from experience including failures, seeing that improving development outcomes will lead to electoral benefits; Incentive mechanisms within Ministries and agencies in support of the demand for performance information and supply quality evaluation; Integration for the assessment within the public management process; Strategic alignment and central agency support; Capacity building and training of civil servants; Programme and performance budget structuring; Close linkage with other evidence functions such as research, national data; strategic management government and reporting; Incentive for internal increased demand for evaluation; Guidelines and templates; Use of government wide IT systems; Engagement and transparency with internal, external and citizens engagement; Evaluation, harvesting failures and continuous learning.
Objectives and enduring questions:
1. To discuss the importance of the key drivers for an NES.
2. To clarify the distinction between capacity building and capability development in the context of NESs.
3. To examine organizational structures, processes, and cultures that support the practical application of evaluation capacities and capabilities.
4. To present the MESA diagnostic framework in assessing National Evaluation Capabilities
5. To examine the role of collaboration and cross-pollination across different modern public management functions, especially the management.
6. To examine how evaluation systems can support evidence-based policymaking, accountability, transparency, and public trust and engagement.
Key list of questions from which the panel will select few to delve into:
1. How do evaluation capabilities differ from evaluation capacities in the context of enhancing national evaluation systems (NES)?
2. What strategies increase internal demand for evaluations, and how does this demand drive the enhancement of evaluation capabilities?
3. What strategic alignments and central agency support are essential for activating evaluation capabilities within governments?
4. How can capacity building for civil servants be effectively transitioned into actionable evaluation capabilities?
5. What organizational changes support the practical application and sustainability of evaluation capabilities?
6. How evaluation is integrated into the public management process (abilities needed to do this) and not a function apart. capabilities?
7. How does program and performance budgeting link with the development and implementation of evaluation capabilities?
8. capabilities?
9. What mechanisms ensure continuous learning and improvement from evaluations, including learning from failures?
10. How can evaluations promote transparency and accountability to public trust and engagement?

Target Audience:
• Government officials and policy makers.
• Public sector evaluators, consultants, academician, and evaluation commissioners.
• Academics and researchers in public administration and policy evaluation.
The panel
“Strengthening Government Evaluation Capabilities” is designed to significantly contribute to identify pathways to strengthen Country-Led Evaluation Systems (CLES), addressing key aspects of strengthening government evaluation capabilities.
The discussion will provide a roadmap for governments and development partners to better understand the importance of capabilities, in support of their capacity development, enhance their evaluation capabilities, aligning them effectively with different pathways as need be and move towards more integrated CLES.
The panel will produce a set of insights for better integrating evaluation capabilities to CLES. It also linked with EvalSDG knowledge platform to encourage Blogs, and guidance.
Targeted audience
This panel invites policymakers, evaluators, and public administration professionals to critically discuss enhancing government evaluation capabilities within the broader context of public sector reforms, sharing global experiences and innovative strategies for effective and sustainable public governance.


名称 标题 Biography
Ms Celeste Ghiano Professor and researcher in the field of State, government, planning and evaluation of public policies in Government of the Province of Córdoba and Universities of Argentina Celeste Ghiano: Bachelor's degree in Political Science (UBA) and PhD in Administration and Public Policy (UNC). Professor and researcher in the field of State, government, planning and evaluation of public policies in Government of the Province of Córdoba and Universities of Argentina (UNC, UCC, UNER, UNSJ) Former director of the Institute of Public Management of the Provincial University of Córdoba – management 2015-2018-. Evaluation consultant for international organizations (World Food Programme - UN, UNICEF, DEval - German Cooperation for Development Evaluation). Member of the Board of Directors of the Argentine Evaluation Network (EvaluAR: 2019-2021); General Coordinator of the Monitoring, Evaluation and Systematization Network of Latin America and the Caribbean (ReLAC: 2021-2024).
Mr Ian Goldman President of the International Evaluation Academy and an Adjunct Professor at the Nelson Mandela School of Public Governance, University of Cape Town. Ian is an International Advisor on Evaluation/M&E and Evidence Systems, President of the International Evaluation Academy and an Adjunct Professor at the Nelson Mandela School of Public Governance, University of Cape Town. He worked in the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, South Africa, where he established and ran the National Evaluation System to 2018 and was a founder of the Twende Mbele African M&E Partnership. Since 2018 Ian has been researching, training and consulting internationally in evidence use, monitoring and evaluation systems, as well as on M&E for just transition. He advises on M&E with the South African Presidency, Global Evaluation Initiative, CLEAR Anglophone Africa, and Operation Vulindlela in South Africa, and is on the International Evaluation Academy and South African Parliamentary Institute Boards.
Mr Gonzalo Hernández Licona Director of the Multidimensional Poverty Network (MPPN) Gonzalo is a Mexican economist. He is currently Director of the Multidimensional Poverty Network (MPPN), belonging to the University of Oxford, through the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI). The MPPN brings together more than 60 countries and more than 20 international institutions to understand and promote the generation of multidimensional poverty measurements at the national level. Dr. Hernández Licona has been a member of the Board of Governors of El Colegio de México since 2016; He is also a Senior Research Fellow of the International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie).
Emmanuel Jimenez Director General, Independent Evaluation Department of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) Emmanuel Jimenez is Director General, Independent Evaluation Department of the Asian Development Bank (ADB). Reporting to ADB’s Board of Directors, his responsibilities include assessing ADB’s development effectiveness, as well providing lessons to inform ADB operations. Prior to joining ADB, Mr. Jimenez worked as an Independent Consultant who provides advice, and conducts research and training on evaluation, economics, development management, education and social protection programs. Prior to this, he was the Executive Director and CEO of 3ie. In this role, he led and conducted impact evaluations and evidence reviews. He provided strategic direction to the organization as it championed the generation and use of evidence to guide decisions regarding policies and programs that improve lives in low and middle-income countries. Previously, Mr. Jimenez had worked for 30 years in the World Bank Group (WBG) and held several senior management roles across several departments such as the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG), the South Asia, East Asia, and Pacific Groups, and the Policy Research Department. Mr. Jimenez was a faculty member of the Economics Department of Western University in London, Canada. Throughout his career, he has published extensively, including articles in peer-reviewed professional journals, books and reports on economic development and served as managing editor of several international development journals.
Denis Jobin EvalSDG Co-chair Denis Jobin has established a distinguished track record over the past 24 years, demonstrating expertise in program planning, monitoring, and evaluation at national (Canada) and international levels. Currently a senior Evaluation Specialist in the Evaluation Office New York UNICEF.
Patricia Moreno Deputy Director of Evaluation of the Directorate of Monitoring and Evaluation of Public Policies of the National Planning Department in Colombia. Patricia Moreno is a political scientist with a master's degree in economics from Universidad de los Andes. She has held different positions as a monitoring and evaluation specialist in different entities at the national level and in international cooperation agencies. She is currently Deputy Director of Evaluation of the Directorate of Monitoring and Evaluation of Public Policies of the National Planning Department in Colombia.


名称 标题 Biography
Dr Marie-Helene Adrien Senior Evaluation Specialist - CoChair EvalSDGs Dr. Marie-Hélène Adrien, a seasoned Senior Evaluator with 35 years of experience, specializes in institutional assessment and partnership evaluations. She has worked extensively across more than 50 countries, collaborating with various donor agencies and foundations. For three decades, she led Universalia, a prominent Canadian consulting firm, and now operates as an independent consultant. Dr. Adrien is an accomplished author with numerous publications and has served as the former President of the International Development Evaluation Association (IDEAS). Her multilingual and analytical expertise marks her as a leader in global development evaluation.

Topics and Themes

VOPEs / Evaluation networks 专家学者 Civil Society Civil Servant / Intl. Organization Employee Governance

