Strengthening National Evaluation Systems in Post-Conflict Societies. A case of Liberia.


About the Event

UNDP IEO in collaboration with Government of Liberia and UNDP Liberia are organizing a webinar to discuss development of Liberia national evaluation system in a post-conflict context. Post-conflict conditions are characterized by severe deprivation, abject poverty and distrust among citizens and between them and political authorities.
The webinar will present the efforts made under these conditions to advance the national evaluation system for achieving the SDGs. In focus will be the Liberian experience in evaluation that review government programs and policies achievement of objectives and in providing evidence to ensure strong accountability to stakeholders. Presentations will also try to answer questions like, how to develop and coordinate national evaluation system and how to sustain the progress made in national evaluation.
UNDP Liberia will present their contribution and results in supporting National Evaluation System, which consist in targeted capacity building activities and jointly evaluation which help to determine the success of Government interventions.
The webinar will have space for questions, comments, and reflections from the audience.


名称 标题 Biography
James Jaber Director-Plan Development & Coordination James Afif Jaber serves as the Director for Plan Development & Coordination in the Department of Budget and Development Planning, Liberia. Currently leads on the National Development Plan, the Pro-poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development, 5-year national development plan that runs from 2018-2023.

Topics and Themes

NA-Government Officials 非营利机构 私营部门 一般公众 其他

