Lessons learnt from YEE in VOPE governance, committees, and activities.


À propos de l'événement

The objective of this session is to learn from YEE in VOPE governance, committees, and activities.

Why are we doing it?
• Need to motivate YEE to become more involved in governance of VOPEs than only participating in VOPE activities also taking into account certain regional dimensions
• To work with VOPEs to bolster the inclusion of YEEs in their governance bodies and
• capacity building programmes
• Contribute to strengthening individual and institutional capacities of YEEs and VOPEs


Nom Titre Biography
Gladness Kampa Young and Emerging Evaluator Gladness Kampa has more than 7 years of practical experience in monitoring and evaluating of multi-sectoral programmes in nutrition, women's empowerment, legal aid, Sexual Reproductive Health Rights and leadership programmatic areas.
Roger APAHOU Young and Emerging Evaluator Yao Roger Modeste APAHOU is a project manager at Proterrain Infos, a market research company in Côte d’Ivoire. He is also consultant in communication, project management and monitoring & evaluation. He is the chairperson of RI2E (Réseau Ivoirien des Evaluateurs Émergents)
Lyness Chancelin TCHOUATEU Young and Emerging Evaluator Lyness Chancelin TCHOUATEU has a master degree in monitoring and evaluation. He is a Project Manager and M&E. he has experience and expertise in Project Management, Monitoring, and Evaluation. Experience gained from different projects that he worked on. He works as an independent consultant.
Wanjiku Kariuki Co-chair TaskForce 3 Wanjiku Kariuki advocates for the use of Evidence and Evaluation as a mainstream practice.She is also a Co-Chair of the EvalYouth Global Network’s Task Force 3, which champions e-learning for YEE’s in matters Evaluation. She is currently pursuing her graduate studies in Evaluation.

Sujets et thèmes

Universitaires NA-Government Officials Organisations à but non lucratif Secteur privé Grand public Secteur public Professionnels en S & E Étudiants Autre Justice sociale Systèmes nationaux de S&E Les jeunes dans l’évaluation

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