Lessons learnt from YEE in VOPE governance, committees, and activities.

Mesa Redonda

About the Event

The objective of this session is to learn from YEE in VOPE governance, committees, and activities.

Why are we doing it?
• Need to motivate YEE to become more involved in governance of VOPEs than only participating in VOPE activities also taking into account certain regional dimensions
• To work with VOPEs to bolster the inclusion of YEEs in their governance bodies and
• capacity building programmes
• Contribute to strengthening individual and institutional capacities of YEEs and VOPEs


Nome Título Biography
Gladness Kampa Young and Emerging Evaluator Gladness Kampa has more than 7 years of practical experience in monitoring and evaluating of multi-sectoral programmes in nutrition, women's empowerment, legal aid, Sexual Reproductive Health Rights and leadership programmatic areas.
Roger APAHOU Young and Emerging Evaluator Yao Roger Modeste APAHOU is a project manager at Proterrain Infos, a market research company in Côte d’Ivoire. He is also consultant in communication, project management and monitoring & evaluation. He is the chairperson of RI2E (Réseau Ivoirien des Evaluateurs Émergents)
Lyness Chancelin TCHOUATEU Young and Emerging Evaluator Lyness Chancelin TCHOUATEU has a master degree in monitoring and evaluation. He is a Project Manager and M&E. he has experience and expertise in Project Management, Monitoring, and Evaluation. Experience gained from different projects that he worked on. He works as an independent consultant.
Wanjiku Kariuki Co-chair TaskForce 3 Wanjiku Kariuki advocates for the use of Evidence and Evaluation as a mainstream practice.She is also a Co-Chair of the EvalYouth Global Network’s Task Force 3, which champions e-learning for YEE’s in matters Evaluation. She is currently pursuing her graduate studies in Evaluation.

Topics and Themes

Acadêmicos NA-Government Officials Organizações Sem Fins Lucrativos Setor Privado Público em geral Formuladores de políticas públicas Profissionais de M&A Estudantes Outros Justiça social Sistemas Nacionais de M&A Juventude

Detalhes do evento
